Tag Archives: Philosophy

Why Do We Fall???

Belated Happy New Year Everybody!!!! May all your troubles last as long as your resolutions!!! ;P ;P 😀 😀 (my apologies, for it was nasty, but then again, so am I!!!). All jokes apart, I do sincerely wish for every blogger and everybody in general to have a safe, prosperous, and a delightful year ahead….

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The Presumption Paradox

We tend to generally underestimate the advice and counsel given by people who so painstakingly care for us, be it our own parents, well-wishers and sometimes even our own best friends or group mates.  We do usually shun these selfless acts of gesture from others at the time when we actually need it and pay no heed to it being blinded by our self-pity, anger or ego; while on the contrary, we actually blame and scold the very same people whenever we feel that they weren’t there for us in other situations, when the case was entirely the opposite in actuality; we are just too simply blindsided by our own selfishness and anger that we always, in the usual case, fail to see the ‘good’ in the good advice given to us.

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Silence is Golden…..Speech is Platinum :P

A known theory that we all have been versed with pretty well in our lives since birth and thanks to the countless mentions in part of our libraries is that silence is golden. The meaning of this classical epithet is that things achieved in silence are more rewarding than the ones created though noise and chaos. I find it utterly ironic that doing something in silence as compared to chaos would reap more amount of benefits……I mean everything arises out of chaos and ends in chaos, that is the accepted law, the word of the universe. Where does silence account into it?? The universe started with a bang not with a whistle Continue reading Silence is Golden…..Speech is Platinum ðŸ˜›